Find Spiritual Help at IMHU: When Spiritual Awakening is Disturbing

If you are having intense spiritual experiences and you feel disoriented and upset by them, you could be in a “spiritual emergency”. We can assure you that you are not alone or crazy. If you find the effective ways to navigate this journey, you can exit the disturbance with more wisdom, compassion, strength and self-acceptance. Many others have done this—so you can too! Psycho spiritual therapy can really help foster healing and balance for those in spiritual crisis.The key is to find a qualified guide who is well-trained in both psychology and spirituality. Psychology can help you understand what is going on in your inner world and spirituality offers a deep dive into your soul and spirit. A qualified guide can work with both views with compassion, discernment and a non-judgemental attitude.That gives you safety and direction. One online platform that provides educational resources and coaching for those suffering from spiritual emergency is“Integrative Mental Health fo...