Find Spiritual Help at IMHU: When Spiritual Awakening is Disturbing

If you are having intense spiritual experiences and you feel disoriented and upset by them, you could be in a “spiritual emergency”. We can assure you that you are not alone or crazy. If you find the effective ways to navigate this journey, you can exit the disturbance with more wisdom, compassion, strength and self-acceptance. Many others have done this—so you can too!

Psycho spiritual therapy can really help foster healing and balance for those in spiritual crisis.The key is to find a qualified guide who is well-trained in both psychology and spirituality. Psychology can help you understand what is going on in your inner world and spirituality offers a deep dive into your soul and spirit. A qualified guide can work with both views with compassion, discernment and a non-judgemental attitude.That gives you safety and direction. One online platform that provides educational resources and coaching for those suffering from spiritual emergency is“Integrative Mental Health for You”, IMHU. Their unique, certified “spiritual emergence coaches®”can help you safely tread through critical times of change.

We need to challenge the narratives that stigmatise people suffering from these distressing situations related to spiritual growth. People in spiritual emergency are often confused with having mental disorders. In that case people in spiritual emergency are given the wrong diagnosis and treatment that disempowers them. IMHU clearly reveals how those with lived-experience need to be treated so they can be empowered to more easily find peace and resolution.

Those in spiritual emergency may feel alone and like their mind and emotions are just going repeatedly in circles. The right help gives them an ability to navigate the issues and underlying problems that have surfaced, need attention, and resolution. Most importantly these people can be treated with compassion without the stigma of mental illness.At the very least, IMHU helps you cultivate more empathy and awareness for these issues and the people who experience them. If you are drawn to help people in spiritual emergency you may want to train at IMHU to become a spiritual coaches ®.You can become certified and then be in a qualified position to support others during the distressing times of spiritual awakening that can come.

IMHU offers 5 webinars that you can access from the comfort of your home as the first part of the training. You don’t have to be on track to become a coach to take this course; all people are welcome. This includes people living through the experience, their concerned loved ones, and therapists wanting to learn more about spiritual awakening. The webinars include the following:

· The 12 different ways in which spiritual emergence can manifest.

· Key differences between spiritual emergence and mental disorders.

· Understanding the needs of those in spiritual crisis and how to offer help.

· How and when positive transformation manifests and how to take care of yourself after the disturbing phase is over.

When you take this course, you will raise your awareness and educate yourself about these issues that you or a loved one maybe going through. You also get exclusive access to a Facebook group to share with fellow community members about your transformative journey and questions you may have. If you want to complete training to become certified as a Spiritual Emergence Coach®, then you complete that training with a live, 2-day course, called the Practicum.

At IMHU, you get to be a part of an online community which is a safe space to share your experiences. And, if someone needs 24 hour care, outside the home, IMHU offers direction to the resources of residential psychiatric facility that they have approved which practice integrative mental health. If you wish to know more about IMHU’s services and the prices of different courses offered, you can check their website.

For more information, visit


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